Getting Organized in the Classroom

I hope that everyone is having a great start of the year. I am so excited about my kiddos. They are really sweet and ready to learn. You can't start off better than that.

I have really been working on my classroom organization this year. With two babies under three, I decided that I needed to be prepared for anything at the drop of a hat. I watched a few YouTube videos that gave tours of their Substitute Binders, and I got really pumped. I made my own version. I had a lot of it already completed due to the fact that I was very detailed in my plans and procedures for my substitute when I went on maternity leave at the end of last year.

When I finished adding pictures for a section called, "Where's That?" it ended up being around 28 pages. That might seem a bit overkill; however, it has everything from a visual schedule that I created in Excel, procedures for anything that a sub may have a question about (including hallway, bathroom, and classroom procedures, and how I do my lessons). You never know what the students might say when the teacher is gone.

If you don't already have a substitute binder for your classroom, check mine out on Teachers Pay Teachers. I hope this helps. Have a great weekend!


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