Goals: What are your goals?

 A few years ago, I was listening to a lot of Rachel Hollis. Hollis made me think about my goals. When we become moms, sometimes, our goals end up somewhere hidden under a pile of dirty clothes or behind our cars as we drive to the next soccer game or dance practice. 

She described the process of writing down ten goals, and giving yourself a timeline. I wrote ten goals, and since then I have crossed off at least seven. I wanted to take a vacation with my husband, and don't get me wrong - I love my babies, but I wanted a mini vacation with him. We have a had a few of those since writing that goal down. I wanted to be Google Certified, so I checked that one off the list. I wanted to make sure housework was manageable and not overwhelming. Now, while my house isn't as clean as I would love it to be, it is crazy how much better it is. I wanted to publish the books that were sitting in my computer; I'm still waiting on that one, but I'm working on it. One of the biggest goals was
completing my Masters Degree, and I did it! 

When I started listening to Rachel Hollis, I realized that my goals had faded with time. When I graduated from college and started teaching, I had a few goals in mind: become a nationally certified teacher and get a Master's Degree. I remember a conversation with a beloved member of our school staff, Mrs. Smithson, our librarian. She asked me about my goals. I told her, and her smile went from ear to ear. I loved her smile and her enthusiasm! She said, "Ashlee, don't lose sight of your dreams. Don't stop until you reach them! Promise?" I told her that someday when it was right, I would definitely reach my goals. 

I filled out my application for my master's because of a feeling in my heart. I was scared, I won't lie. I wasn't sure that I was going to be able to do it, but the feeling in my heart and head was bigger than that fear. I received my acceptance email, and my fear increased. What was I about to get myself into? Well, less than two years later, and I was thinking about Mrs. Smithson on the night of my last master's class. Imagining her smile almost made me cry. I had done it. I reached one of the biggest goals. 

It took twenty months, but I finished. After I completed my last class, I came home to cheesecake in the fridge. A congratulations gift from my beautiful girls and my wonderful, supportive husband. They tackled me with hugs as I entered the door. They told me how proud they were of me. During this journey, I told my husband that this wasn't just for me, but also for them. I wanted my girls to see that it can be done. If they want something, they can work hard and accomplish anything. 

So, what are your goals? What are you working on for you? What are you doing to achieve those goals? Are they in your head, or have you put them down on paper? You can do it, whatever your goal is, you can do it!


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