New Ideas...Love Them!
I absolutely love new ideas! I also love sharing new ideas with my fellow teachers, so I hope that you enjoy this and can use it in your classroom. I was recently on Pinterest (Best Thing Ever), and I found a link about guided reading on YouTube. I was so excited after I watched it. These teachers are amazing.
I have done guided reading in the past, but this year I haven't been as consistent because I was trying new strategies and trying to incorporate more writing into my curriculum. When I watched the video; however, I immediately wanted to try this. I made the notebooks on Monday, and I did it today. My students did so well, and they were excited about it too! They couldn't wait to finish their writing. I am sad, however, that I found this with only 16 days left of school, but I can't wait until next year. Below are pictures of the results.
I have done guided reading in the past, but this year I haven't been as consistent because I was trying new strategies and trying to incorporate more writing into my curriculum. When I watched the video; however, I immediately wanted to try this. I made the notebooks on Monday, and I did it today. My students did so well, and they were excited about it too! They couldn't wait to finish their writing. I am sad, however, that I found this with only 16 days left of school, but I can't wait until next year. Below are pictures of the results.
The great thing about finding new things at the end of the year is that you can work out all of the bugs, so don't be afraid to try new things even though the school year is ending.
I really enjoyed reading all of their writing. I simply told them that they needed to write about what they thought was interesting, and that they needed to add details from the story. They did great. I hope that you enjoy this as much as I did. This week, try to share something with someone where you work.
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