Classroom Tour!

 I am excited because it's AUGUST! There are pencils to sharpen and books to pass out, but first I had to redecorate my classroom. I was extremely excited because I haven't changed up my classroom in a couple of years. Bentley has kept me pretty busy. I have gone with the chevron theme, but I wanted to keep with my sports theme, so I did this by also incorporating my school's colors: black and gold (or yellow in my case). I hope that you enjoy it!


This is part of my reading area. I have six cubes, a big chair, and a soccer goal with a bunch of pillows.
My books are in tubs beside my soccer goal .

This is my reading table with my new seats which were made by wonderful mom! Love her!!!

This is my desk area that will also have a technology cart with my elmo. The board behind my desk will have pacing calendars, schedules, and my weekly lesson plan posted (mainly for substitute emergencies).

A close-up photo of my seats.

My filing cabinet. I have my computer table (student computer) behind this filing cabinet.

My sink area


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