It's Been Too Long

Wow! Where have I been? Well, it has been a crazy year with several new things happening in our family as well as the routine classroom things which have kept me busy.

First, of all... I'm PREGNANT (again)! We are so excited to announce the future addition of our second baby girl that should be here in April of 2014. I can't wait! Our daughter, Bentley, is super excited to meet her new sister, Marley Kate. She has said that she wanted a sissy ever since she found out, so we were able to make her a happy girl.

My husband and I also went to see Justin Timberlake in concert. Man, that guy is incredible!!! He had a 30 song set and never stopped moving. I was tired just watching him. It was an amazing show!

Also, I just had a birthday. The big 3-1. It felt a little strange, but it was amazing. My husband took me out for a special dinner and then we had cake with our baby girl. My husband also gave me a Gap gift card. This has already come in handy due to the fact that I needed some maternity clothes. If you are looking for cute, cheap maternity clothes check out Old Navy (Gap gift cards work there too). I went online and got a ton of stuff.

I know that there has been much more than this, but this is a short recap. I will be back much sooner, I promise. I hope everyone had a great holiday and a happy new year!


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