New Baby Will Be Here Soon!

We have been so busy getting ready for the new baby that I have not been able to post anything new in so long. With less than six weeks from the due date, we have been getting the nursery ready, preparing Bentley for the idea of a new baby in the house, and in general, I have been waddling from place to place.

We picked out the fabric for Marley Kate's nursery, and my mom got busy sewing to create her custom baby bedding...I'm pretty lucky! She is such a seamstress! It is very bright and colorful.

      I drew and painted these for Marley. I added rhinestones. 

This is the main fabric for her curtains and bumper pads.


We are going to add a cornice board above the curtains in a coordinating pink and cream zebra print.

We also added her name above the bed. 

Bentley is super excited about her "Marley Kate". She may be a bit shocked, though, because the biggest thing that she wants to do is jump in the baby bed with her sissy...this momma has a little more explaining to do. 


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