Happy Summertime & Powerpoint Tricks

Oh, lazy days, cold drinks, summer activities without even thinking about work. That's what so many people think summers are for teachers. We get two to three months off and have no cares in the world. Yeah, right!

Teachers never stop working. Summers are used for preparation for the upcoming year. A lot of teachers are also working part-time jobs to pay for new decorations or curriculum. We are also attending workshops and catching up on the latest teaching literature. Teachers are some of the hardest working and most dedicated people.

This summer, I have been on Instagram a lot because 1.) I have been pretty busy keeping up with a newborn and a two and a half year old, and it can be a quick activity 2.) I love the inspiration from so many amazing teachers, and lastly I like checking out the cool pictures. Anyway, I have felt like a real slacker compared to so many of those wonderful teachers on Instagram. They have been posting so many great TPT (Teachers Pay Teachers) projects, and I felt inspired to work.

I have noticed several people using Powerpoint to create all of these adorable projects for TPT, and I was stumped. I was a business major before I switched to education, so I was very familiar with Excel. I have been using it to make things for almost nine years. The two programs are both great, but I am ready to learn the tricks of Powerpoint.

Today, I learned how to change the background on all of my slides which changed my project from a functional document to a super cute one. The trick was to click "Format" then "Slide Background".

Then you will have a section on the left that has several options, choose "Fill". This allows you to choose a picture or downloaded background as your slide background. You can apply the picture to one slide or all slides that you are using. This is probably a well known trick, but I had to share in case some may not have known about it.

I will be using it in the students' folders. I will post it to TPT soon. I will make it FREE, so enjoy!

I need more tips and tricks!!! If you know of any, please leave them in the comment section. Have a great summer!


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