Emotional Momma
Hey guys, sorry that I have been MIA, but I have been a little busy with my girls. Bentley will be three at the end of September, and Marley turns three months old tomorrow...WOW!
I titled this post, "Emotional Momma", because I was a basket case this morning. I start back to work this week, and I had to take both of the girls to daycare today for the first time ever. We were very fortunate to have a wonderful woman watch Bentley for the first two years. Our Nanny was amazing! I know how blessed we were to have her. So, because of this we had never taken Bentley to a daycare besides the occasional Mommy's Day Out during summertime.
I knew that Marley would be fine, but I was nervous about Miss Bentley. I told my husband last night that I was afraid that I was going to cry. He said, "Just don't do it in front of Bentley." I did not cry in front of her. I excused myself to the hallway instead. I was fine except when she started to cry and called out for my husband. She was saying, "Daddy, you tan't weave me!" It broke my heart.
Of course, she was fine within about a minute of us leaving. We peeked in the window that looks through all of the rooms. We were sneaky, though. She was laughing and skipping around.
We picked one of the best daycares in our town. The owner is the sweetest, and she's a family friend. She even sent us a picture to reassure this nervous momma. That really helped me make it through the day until pickup time.
So, I realized just how hard it is for the parents of our students. I will never look at the first day of school the same. Be brave parents. It is okay to be emotional. It is a sign that we love our babies. The tough part is waiting to get to the hall to cry a few tears.
I titled this post, "Emotional Momma", because I was a basket case this morning. I start back to work this week, and I had to take both of the girls to daycare today for the first time ever. We were very fortunate to have a wonderful woman watch Bentley for the first two years. Our Nanny was amazing! I know how blessed we were to have her. So, because of this we had never taken Bentley to a daycare besides the occasional Mommy's Day Out during summertime.
I knew that Marley would be fine, but I was nervous about Miss Bentley. I told my husband last night that I was afraid that I was going to cry. He said, "Just don't do it in front of Bentley." I did not cry in front of her. I excused myself to the hallway instead. I was fine except when she started to cry and called out for my husband. She was saying, "Daddy, you tan't weave me!" It broke my heart.
Of course, she was fine within about a minute of us leaving. We peeked in the window that looks through all of the rooms. We were sneaky, though. She was laughing and skipping around.
We picked one of the best daycares in our town. The owner is the sweetest, and she's a family friend. She even sent us a picture to reassure this nervous momma. That really helped me make it through the day until pickup time.
So, I realized just how hard it is for the parents of our students. I will never look at the first day of school the same. Be brave parents. It is okay to be emotional. It is a sign that we love our babies. The tough part is waiting to get to the hall to cry a few tears.
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