It's Test Time Again!

It's that wonderful time of year again! It's testing time again.

You can always tell...teachers need a little more caffeine, a little more patience from their husbands and wives, and a little more time in our day. I know at my house the months of February and March get hectic. I am a bit quicker to react to something silly that happens or is said. I hate that there is so much pressure, but there is. It is just a fact of teaching a testing grade.

For me, though, I always tell my students  that by the time we take the test that I will have prepped them so much that they will be able to breath because we have done everything possible to be successful.

One of the many things that I do in my classroom is test prep homework. I created a homework bundle that lasts for four weeks and covers our reading and math objectives that will be tested. I referred to our state testing blueprints, test specifications, and our pacing calendar to decide what objectives would be more prominent on the test.

The worksheets are broken into Monday through Thursday (I don't assign homework on Fridays). They are also labeled with the objectives, so the students and parents know the standards that we are trying to master. You simply have to print the pages front and back (Reading and Math) then you're done. Test Prep made simple! I hope this helps you too!

Below, I have pictures, so you can take a peek at what they look like. If you like them, check them out in my Teachers Pay Teachers store:


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