I'll Cry If I Want to...It's My State Testing!
Who is ready? Let's be honest. I don't think that any of us can say that we are truly ready. Pairing the fact that no one knows what will really be on the test and the fact that most of our standards increased by at least one grade level. No worries at all, right?!?
I also have to bring up the fact that for third grade, our RSA rules have changed again. Then don't forget that some of our standards have changed since August. I hope you knew about these changes. The developers, whom I have met during a professional day and are extremely nice, realized that there were a few typos. So, the state department changed them and reposted the standards.
So, around the end of September, I noticed that our standards were different online from the printed version that I had printed as soon as it was available. Instead of comparing and ordering whole numbers to the ten thousands place, we need to reach hundred thousand. This is not a giant leap, but when you have students that learned place value through the hundreds place in second grade...wow, it's a big jump. For third grade, many of our math standards changed drastically.
During September, we had some professionals who came to our school to help us realign our efforts to better meet the standards. They told us to get ready. Not only were these standards so different than last year, but since our state is in an economic crisis when it comes to funding education, we shouldn't look for anyone to produce curriculum. The sad truth is that companies will not put time and effort into creating curriculum that is Oklahoma-specific when Oklahoma doesn't have money to purchase curriculum. Every teachers nightmare, right??? Oh wait, throw in the fact that even though this is a transition year with standards, test scores will count. I'll cry if I want...It's my state testing!
Enough negative thoughts already...
I want to believe that it will be okay. I want to believe that I have taught my students how to think and how to solve problems. I want to believe that my students will carefully read the passages, questions, and answer choices. I want to believe that they will be responsible and check their answers. I want to believe that they will use their answers choices to eliminate wrong answers. I want to believe that they will get plenty of rest each night before the test. I want to believe that they will be tucked into their warm beds with a kiss goodnight. I want to believe that I am not the one who tells them that I love them. I want to believe that they understand that they are so much more than a test, so much more than a sum of four tests. I want to believe that test anxiety isn't real. I want to believe...I want to believe in more.
This is a stressful time for all of us: parents, administrators, teachers, and more so our kiddos. Let's give each other a hand shake or high five. Let's remember to tell each other how hard we are working and the effort that radiates each day. Let's smile. Let's do something for someone else.
My goal this week: Tell 3 people how amazing they are. Who's in? With all of this testing stress, let's tell each other what we all need to hear, "You are AMAZING, and I see how hard you are working!'.
I also have to bring up the fact that for third grade, our RSA rules have changed again. Then don't forget that some of our standards have changed since August. I hope you knew about these changes. The developers, whom I have met during a professional day and are extremely nice, realized that there were a few typos. So, the state department changed them and reposted the standards.
So, around the end of September, I noticed that our standards were different online from the printed version that I had printed as soon as it was available. Instead of comparing and ordering whole numbers to the ten thousands place, we need to reach hundred thousand. This is not a giant leap, but when you have students that learned place value through the hundreds place in second grade...wow, it's a big jump. For third grade, many of our math standards changed drastically.
During September, we had some professionals who came to our school to help us realign our efforts to better meet the standards. They told us to get ready. Not only were these standards so different than last year, but since our state is in an economic crisis when it comes to funding education, we shouldn't look for anyone to produce curriculum. The sad truth is that companies will not put time and effort into creating curriculum that is Oklahoma-specific when Oklahoma doesn't have money to purchase curriculum. Every teachers nightmare, right??? Oh wait, throw in the fact that even though this is a transition year with standards, test scores will count. I'll cry if I want...It's my state testing!
Enough negative thoughts already...
I want to believe that it will be okay. I want to believe that I have taught my students how to think and how to solve problems. I want to believe that my students will carefully read the passages, questions, and answer choices. I want to believe that they will be responsible and check their answers. I want to believe that they will use their answers choices to eliminate wrong answers. I want to believe that they will get plenty of rest each night before the test. I want to believe that they will be tucked into their warm beds with a kiss goodnight. I want to believe that I am not the one who tells them that I love them. I want to believe that they understand that they are so much more than a test, so much more than a sum of four tests. I want to believe that test anxiety isn't real. I want to believe...I want to believe in more.
My third grade crew who make the stressful days fun! |
Motivational door from a previous year. |
My goal this week: Tell 3 people how amazing they are. Who's in? With all of this testing stress, let's tell each other what we all need to hear, "You are AMAZING, and I see how hard you are working!'.
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