The NEW school...and what it looks like.
Everyone is talking, and the questions are the same. What will school look like in the fall?
- Will my child be wearing a mask all day?
- Will my child have virtual learning days that will require me to take days off of work?
- Will my child get to go outside and play on the playground?
- Will my child still walk in a line like I did as a child?
- Will my child sit less than six feet from their neighbor?
- Will my child still feel the continued stress of COVID-19?
- Will my child constantly carry around hand sanitizer?
- Will my child get to be a kid?
These are are only a few of the things that are on all of our minds if you have a child at home. We are searching for back-to-school clothing without a date in mind. We see ads for outfits and their matching face masks. Will we regret not purchasing them? Would those masks even be the right kind? Instead of monogrammed backpacks and lunchboxes, should we be investing in Chromebooks and headphones with built-in mics. What's the right answer?
When it comes to questions about school, people normally ask teachers. Teachers are usually the ones in the know, right? Not this year. Sorry friends.
We, teachers, are not in the know anymore than the parents of our students. It's not because we are enjoying our extended vacations. It's not because we are sleeping in too late. It's not because we aren't watching the news. It's not because we are afraid to ask. It's not because we don't want to know. It's because it's constantly changing.
We are having faculty meetings, but the answers we are given are possibilities that will most likely change. Our schedule will probably change. Our procedures will probably change. Even if we planned everything perfectly in our minds, it will probably change. A suggestion from the CDC turns into a possible recommendation from the State Department into a possible requirement from the county health department. Change is the only absolute.
During the summers, I am always planning for the upcoming year. This summer is a little different. I am still trying to plan, but differently. I am trying to become Google Certified. I am trying to record myself teaching lessons to prepare for possible virtual days. I'm trying to compile tutorial videos on YouTube for future tech needs. I am trying anything at all to be prepared, but we don't know what to prepare for.
I am like any other parent. I wish I knew what was in store for my own children; however, that's not possible. What I will do for the rest of the summer, is enjoy my time with them. I will laugh with them. I will support them. I will talk with them. I will play with them. I will pretend with them. I will be there with them. At times, that's all we can do for our children. If they know we are THERE, then maybe, regardless of what the future school looks like, they'll be okay.
So, I hope that everyone knows how much your child's future teacher is already thinking about them. I hope you know that your child's previous teacher is still thinking about them. Regardless of what the future school looks like, we are all still thinking about the children.
With love from a teacher
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