Goals: What are your goals?
A few years ago, I was listening to a lot of Rachel Hollis. Hollis made me think about my goals. When we become moms, sometimes, our goals end up somewhere hidden under a pile of dirty clothes or behind our cars as we drive to the next soccer game or dance practice. She described the process of writing down ten goals, and giving yourself a timeline. I wrote ten goals, and since then I have crossed off at least seven. I wanted to take a vacation with my husband, and don't get me wrong - I love my babies, but I wanted a mini vacation with him. We have a had a few of those since writing that goal down. I wanted to be Google Certified, so I checked that one off the list. I wanted to make sure housework was manageable and not overwhelming. Now, while my house isn't as clean as I would love it to be, it is crazy how much better it is. I wanted to publish the books that were sitting in my computer; I'm still waiting on that one, but I'm working on it. One of the biggest goal...